The Society recently incorporated a new logo that reflects our unity as “One Society for Mission” across our three (African, American, and European) provinces.
The image communicates unity in mission across four continents while remaining true to the heritage of the Society’s seal. The visual conveys the Society’s Incarnational Spirituality with symbols of the Trinity and maximizes the brilliance of the cross.
Pauline Darby, SHCJ, said that one of her favorite features of the logo is the star-like depiction of the cross. “It evokes Cornelia’s and our own epiphany journey ‘from crib to the cross,’ but also a cosmological dimension,” she said. To Sister Pauline, the updated version represents the Society searching our complex world for ways to the Christ-child.
The outline of the logo mirrors the Society’s seal with two ancient Trinitarian symbols — three interlocking circles and an equilateral triangle. These symbols reflect the Incarnate Christ, the basis of the Society’s spirituality. Cornelia Connelly’s inspiration for the Society’s seal is possibly associated with her time in Mississippi. The seal is replica of a design for the blessed Trinity found at Trinity Church in Natchez and St. Joseph Episcopal Church in Woodsville, where Cornelia’s husband Pierce ministered during the early, joyful years of their marriage.