23 December, 2018
Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country… Luke 1
Cupped in a cranny, haven
After the rugged shock of the climb
lay Elizabeth’s dwelling,
Mid sheer rock-rude fastness
sheltered and waiting
hidden, awaiting
A voiceless and stepless and hidden
Child, swift in his nearing,
Dearly borne by his Mother here,
to this, His first hallowing.
16 December, 2018
3rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete – Rejoice
John the Baptist exclaims that he is not worthy to untie the straps of sandals of the One who is to come. This gospel verse reminds us of the cultural context in which cleaning a person’s feet was considered to be the work of a servant.
It also tells us that Jesus walked the same roads as everyone else, that his feet would be caked in mud, dirt and animal waste. In Evangelii Gaudium – the JOY of the Gospel, Pope Francis issued the call to all Christians to ‘take on the smell of the sheep’, accompanying people every step of the way.
Our Society founder Cornelia Connelly often used the image of walking along a path, as here where she encourages us: ‘keep yourself in spirit at the feet of all.’
9 December, 2018
Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths…
The winding roads shall be made straight,
and the rough ways made smooth… Luke 3
It is surely consoling that today’s gospel reminds us there are many paths and roads and ways to God, and the prophet, Baruch (chapter 5) that ‘that the forests and every fragrant kind of tree have overshadowed Israel… whom God is leading in joy by the light of divine glory and with mercy and justice for company.’
A Hindu proverb challenges us that ‘the only person wasting time is the one who runs around telling everyone that his or her path is wrong’!
2 December, 2018
‘All the paths of the LORD are kindness and constancy’. Psalm 25
Brian Draper, an English writer, described watching a small child who ‘spotted a puddle… and was transfixed, as if it were the first she’d ever seen… circled the puddle and gazed into it, jumped across it, and finally – splash! – leapt right in… over-brimming with wonder’.
On our path through Advent this year, let us put on a ‘beginner’s mind’ and jump into opportunities to wonder at the Mystery this season celebrates.
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