Prayer to Beatify Cornelia Connelly
Founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus
If you have found praying through the intercession of Cornelia Connelly helpful and believe that your prayer has been answered, please report this to Generalate Office by emailing
Monthly Meditation
Lent 2025: Has a challenge ever become a graced stepping stone?
A four-minute Lenten reflection offered by Roseanne McDougall, SHCJ, 2025
Please find the text-only version of the meditation here:...
A Prayer for our Pilgrimage
By Philomena Grimley, SHCJ
Take a few minutes to reflect on our life's journey as being a pilgrimage, knowing that our pilgrimage is a way to God.
A Prayer to the Holy Spirit Video Meditation
Reflection by Rosemarie Tedesco, SHCJ
A Prayer to the Holy Spirit -- a three and a half minute meditation asking the Holy Spirit to fill us with the gifts of love, compassion, and mercy and to transform us to be "agents of good."
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Easter 2016 Video Meditation
Reflection by Josephine Anto, SHCJ
A three-minute reflection on the Resurrection of Jesus and his appearance to Mary Magdala and the disciples on the road to Emmaus.
Every month the Society posts a meditation video with reflection...
Finding Beauty and Color in Darkness
In this three-minute meditation, we reflect on how darkness is a starting point to finding beauty in ourselves and others. We are also reminded to remember our deceased loved ones.
Giving Thanks for God’s Faithful Love
A three and a half minute meditation at the end of the Church Year where we reflect on God's faithful love and our grateful response.
Have You Ever Experienced Something Breathtaking?
Make time for this four-minute reflection on the call to all followers of Jesus to be light for the world by listening with attention to his transfiguring word.
Lent 2016 Monthly Meditation
Reflection by Philomena Grimley, SHCJ
Lenten Reflection: What stirs in your heart on this Spirit-led journey?
Every month the Society posts a meditation video with reflection questions that help us build the Holy Child community of prayer.
Spirituality Resources
In the name Cornelia Connelly gave the congregation she founded, the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, she expressed her insight into the mystery of God who became human to save us. Members of the Society continue to be drawn by the Spirit today in...
Prayer Requests
Sisters of the Holy Child bring to prayer the needs of the world and the concerns of our families and friends, old and new. In a special way sisters in the Retirement Houses of the Society have prayer as their principal ministry.
If you would like...
Sisters Remembered
Please join us in praying for our sisters who have recently died.
Please click the Sisters' names in blue to read their bios.
February 28
Jane Roach – American Province
February 17
Claire Smith ...