Goatscaping (Click for PDF) – Associate Linda Tarney explores environmental, economic, and biological reasons for using goats in place of landscaping machinery and herbicides to support the growth of native plants vs. invasive species.
Where Do We Stand (on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform)? (Click for PDF) — In conversation with heads of province Laudato Si’ teams, Philo Grimley, SHCJ has prepared a summary of where each province is in its implementation of the LSAP goals, as of December 2024, and encouragement to draw strength for our efforts during the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.
Peaceable Kingdom I and II (Click for PDF) – Two centuries ago, a Quaker minister by the name of Edward Hicks, painted at least 100 variations on the theme of the “peaceable Kingdom” between 1820 and 1829. And theologian Elizabeth Johnson depicts, for post-modern humans, the peace and harmony intended by the Creator for all of creation in her most recent book.
Endangered Species (Click for PDF) – Artist Angela Manno presents a collection of icons depicting flora and fauna currently threatened with extinction.
The Cellist & the Buffalos (Click for PDF) – Yo Yo Ma plays to a buffalo herd as part of his “Our Common Nature” project
“Give me a drink.” (Click for PDF) — Water is essential for all life. How might we help to “give living water”? John 4:10