“Stop the Carnage in DRC” (Click for PDF) — a story of Rwanda’s violence against the Democratic Republic of Congo, in pursuit of precious minerals; a story of the pursuit of peace on the part of various groups, including the Africa Faith and Justice Network.
Non-violent Communication – an interview with Callista Ahachi, SHCJ about her recent participation in an international certificate program on non-violent communication
Peaceable Kingdom I and II (Click for PDF) – Two centuries ago, a Quaker minister by the name of Edward Hicks, painted at least 100 variations on the theme of the “peaceable Kingdom” between 1820 and 1829. And theologian Elizabeth Johnson depicts, for post-modern humans, the peace and harmony intended by the Creator for all of creation in her most recent book.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers (Click for PDF) — links to a video recording of a dialogue held recently at Georgetown University’s Initiative on Social Thought & Public Life, including a 9 minute reflection on the impact of Sudan’s war on South Sudan
Peacemaking, A Path to Empathy, Safety & Growth (Click for PDF) — a counselor at the Washington School for Girls describes peacemaking as the heart of school counseling; by teaching students to resolve conflicts with empathy & understanding we empower them to create safer, more inclusive environments where every voice is heard and every student can thrive.
Let Us Pray for Syria (Click for PDF) — elements for personal and community prayer for our brothers and sisters in Syria as they find their path forward following the over-throw of 50 years of dictatorship.
Dona nobis pacem (click for PDF) – Let us PRAY, PLEAD, ASK, BEG, KNOCK, MAKE PEACE on earth today!