21 June, 2017
Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM, Head of School, Washington School for Girls (WSG)
Washington School for Girls is a co-sponsored ministry of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.
Our Seventh Grade science classes were recently treated to a visit from six highly-skilled female surgeons from the Inova Health System of Northern Virginia. The doctors started their visit with an overview of what they do at Inova, and the paths they each took to get there. As always, the girls had many questions, and the doctors were so impressed with the girls’ ability to ask such insightful and thought-provoking questions. The curiosity of WSG students never fails to amaze our many visitors!

In addition to sharing their knowledge and advice with the girls, the doctors set up various “surgical” stations around the room. With each student dressed in full scrubs and surgical masks, the excitement and interest were palpable. The doctors brought units of synthetic skin, on which the girls could learn and practice stitching (pictured). For the students who couldn’t quite stomach the idea of stitching, there were two stations set up with Laparoscopic surgical units. They used the same Laparoscopic tools that medical students have in their practice labs. The entire experience for both students and doctors alike was simply outstanding, truly a learning experience for everyone.
Future doctors definitely are now walking the halls of Washington School for Girls thanks to this most recent “adventure!” WSG seeks to expose students to a wide variety of career paths and to introduce them to inspiring and courageous women just like the surgeons from Inova Health System.
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