The Society continues to attract new members in different parts of the world. In Chad, Ghana, Nigeria, England, Ireland, France, Chile, the Dominican Republic and the United States, Holy Child sisters initiate, collaborate, and search out ways to fulfill our shared mission.
A vocation is a God-given call that comes from deep within yourself. Initially, the call invites you to listen and trust that God is leading you to where you are meant to be.
The call of God comes in many different ways. A woman may be drawn to the spirit of the Society inspired by the work and prayer of sisters engaged in mission around the world, or by the life and spirit of Cornelia Connelly. Our mission as expressed in the Constitutions of the Society is “to help others to believe that God lives and acts in them and in our world, and to rejoice in God’s presence.”
If you would like to join the approximately 380 sisters of the Society serving around the world, see the African, American or European province websites.